Terms & Conditions

Privacy that matters to us

We Clothesline4u as a company we understand and respect the privacy and confidentiality of our valued customers, and you can shop with complete confidence at with us. All transactions processed through on this site are safe for your peace of mind.

Privacy Policy

We Clothesline4u fully committed to protecting your privacy. Any personal information that you submit will be used purely to process orders and is protected by our secure server. We do NOT sell, trade, or give-away any information we may have on any of our customers.

About the information do we gather

When you place an order through our website www.clothesline4u.com.au, we may collect the following information that you give us when you order or inquire, which may be your name, telephone number, email address, billing information (credit card number, expiration date and billing address) products purchased as a standard protocol.


We will only accept the return of a product if it is undamaged. It is your obligation to pay for and ensure the safe return of the product to us.
Please note that we will only refund delivery charges if the return is a result of our error.